
Top 5 Summer Pests to Watch Out For

Fly Pest

Summer; everyone’s favourite time of the year.  One problem though, is the multitude of pests that come with it. Due to the warm temperatures experienced during summer, pest activities increase significantly. The hot weather provides the ideal conditions for pest reproduction to take place. So while you are going out to enjoy the terrific weather, pests might be moving into your home.

To help you keep these bothersome creatures out of your home, we have compiled a list of 5 pests that you should keep an eye out for this summer. These are:


Flies are not only stubborn but also dangerous – to your health at least. Because of their indiscriminate feeding habits, flies can transfer disease-causing micro-organisms from one place to another. And because flies can multiply rapidly, a fly infestation will quickly get out of hand if not dealt with immediately. Some preventive measures you could use to keep these pests out during the summer include:

1.    Making sure there is no food that flies could feed on. This means keeping all your food in sealed containers, covering your bins, cleaning up food related messes and generally keeping the house clean.
2.    Cleaning up after your pet.
3.    Keeping your windows and doors closed if they are not screened.


This pest should especially be of concern if you have pets. The warm weather will mean that your pet will be out a lot which might expose them to fleas. These pests are not only a problem to pets but also to humans as they can feed on both. They also pose a risk of disease as they could spread pathogens from one host to another during feeding. Some measures you could take to avoid these unwanted guests include:

1.    Cleaning your pet with flea soap.
2.    Keeping your yard tidy by mowing the lawn and trimming bushes.
3.    Keeping wildlife away from your pet and home.


Mice and rats to be exact. These are sneaky creatures that can do significant damage to your property. They gnaw at almost anything within reach causing serious damage to your house and the things inside it. Rodents are also quick breeders which means that an infestation will escalate quickly if not arrested on time. Preventive measures you could take include:

1.    Sealing all holes that could be used by rodents as entry points.
2.    Keeping all you food in secure containers to prevent rodent access.
3.    Keeping your bins tightly sealed.


Although generally harmless, ants can be a real nuisance when they come around. And because of their long distances of travel which expose them to a lot of germs, ants can contaminate food and other substances through contact. Some of the measures you could take to prevent ants include:

1.    Housekeeping. Ensure that your house is always clean and tidy free from food debris and other edible substances.
2.    Keep your food in sealed containers.
3.    Repair all leaky pipes and faucets.


A cute invader this is. But don’t let their looks fool you, Possums can be a real pain when they invade your premises. They can cause a big mess, make a lot of noise, scare your pets and even introduce other pests such as fleas and ticks to your home. To avoid these pests you should:

1.    Keep your outdoor bins covered to avoid attracting wildlife.
2.    Protect low desks by having screening material installed.
3.    Trim branches close to your home’s roof as possums are good climbers.

Pest activity might be high during the summer, but with these measures and the help of professional products, you can ensure that these pests stay out of your hair. Pestrol Pest Control provides you with state of the art pest control products to help you keep these stubborn and destructive intruders out of your home. Our products are safe for pets, humans, and the environment in addition to being very effective.

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