
Snakes As Pests: Signs, Symptoms, Prevention and Control

Snake Control Products

SnakeHow do you avoid being bitten by a snake?

What are the most dangerous snakes in Australia?

What is a snake’s life-cycle?

How do you identify a snake infestation?

How do you prevent and control snakes?

How do you choose a snake repeller?

Australia has about 140 species of land snakes and some of them have venom that is more toxic than any other snakes worldwide.  Snake bites are actually quite rare in Australia and since anti-venom has been developed there have been fewer fatalities – less than six deaths per year.  India has a much bigger problem with more than 50,000 deaths annually from snake bites. Many Australians who die from snake bites do so because they are trying to kill or move a snake themselves.

Snakes would much rather escape from a human than have a confrontation with them.  Snakes do not look at a human and see food and they do not bite people to be aggressive. They tend to use their venom only to subdue prey that would normally be impossible for them to consume. If they feel threatened and their escape route is blocked, then the only reaction that they might have is to strike a human.

How do you avoid being bitten by a snake?

Here are some tips on how to avoid being bitten by a snake:

  • Don’t touch any snake you find – ask for professional help.
  • Don’t go barefoot in long grass.
  • Don’t reach into dark places that you can’t see.
  • Use a torch when walking outside at night.
  • Don’t make the assumption that small snakes are harmless.
  • A snake will run away if given a chance to do so; allow it to escape.

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What are the most dangerous snakes in Australia?

The top ten most dangerous snakes in Australia are:

  1. Mulga (Pseudechis Australis) or King Brown Snake
  2. Eastern Small Eyed Snake (Rhinoplocephalus Nigrescens)
  3. Western brown snake (Pseudonaja nuchalis)
  4. Red-bellied black snake (Pseudechis Porphyriacus)
  5. Small-eyed snake (Rhinoplacephalus nigrescens)
  6.  Lowlands copperhead (Austrelaps superbus)
  7. Coastal taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus)
  8.  Inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)
  9. Mainland tiger snake (Notechis scutatus)
  10. Eastern brown snake(Pseudonaja textilis)

What is a snake’s lifecycle?

There’re three types of snakes based on how they reproduce. There’re snakes that give birth to their young (viviparous), egg laying snakes (oviparous), and snake species that retain the eggs they produce inside their bodies till they hatch (ovoviviparous). Viviparous snakes are mostly adapted to cold climates and only make up 20% of the total snake population.

Female snakes produce pheromones to attract males when they are ready to mate. A brief courtship ensues before copulation takes place. Females from some species can, however, produce eggs without needing to be fertilised, a phenomenon known as parthenogenesis.

Once the young snake is born or hatched, it will take 2 – 4 years to reach maturity. The snake will moult with reducing frequency as it ages. Moulting for snakes, however, does not play any significant part in their growth and development like in insects.


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How do you identify a snake infestation?

Identifying a snake infestation can be quite a difficult task. This article posted on, where a family had a snake living in their new home unknowingly for a whole week, demonstrates that. But even so, there are ways that you could find a snake that has moved into your home.

One of the things that could lure a snake out of hiding is warmth. Because snakes are cold-blooded, you can spot one on your property when it comes out in search of heat.

If you have a hunch there is a snake inside your home, sprinkle some flour near heat sources such as electric appliances and radiators. Check for slither marks on the floor as a snake will create this as it moves to and from the source of heat.

Another sign you should look out for is shed skin in and around your house. Don’t panic if you find the skin to be very long, snakes usually shed skin that is longer than their bodies.

How do you prevent and control snakes?

There’re several things you can do to keep snakes out of your property. These include:

  1. Sealing all openings that snakes can use to get into your house. Screen all windows that are close to the ground and cover low vents with mesh wire.
  2. Keeping your yard tidy. Always ensure your lawn is mowed, keep bushes and tree branches around your home trimmed, and tidy and clear all clutter on your property as this could harbour snakes.
  3. Using a professional snake repellent to keep these stubborn pests away.

How do you choose a snake repeller?

One way to avoid being bitten by a snake is to prevent them from coming into your home or garden and the best way to do that is with a good snake repellent.  Snakes do not like noise or vibration and there is a solution that every home owner can install in their garden that can instantly take care of the problem.  Pestrol Snake Away is a small stake that is placed into the ground.  It looks innocuous enough and that is exactly the point.  This small device is understated yet highly effective.

Snakes may come near your yard but as soon as they come within range of the Pestrol Snake Away they will be instantly deterred.  The repeller has a solar device on the top which keeps it working constantly with no batteries or wires to worry about.  It will protect your property with the power of the sun charging it and sending out warning sounds to a 30m circumference.

You can place as many of these snake repellent devices on your property to cover as large an area as you need.  More snake repellers can be placed in a line to create a barrier and prevent snakes from coming onto your property.  The spikes are made of aluminum and are designed to ensure longevity.  You can basically place them in the ground and forget them; you do not have to constantly worry about replacing batteries or digging trenches to wire in these devices.

It is important to prevent snakes from coming into your yard because once there they will start to find nesting zones where they can lay eggs and reproduce.  This means that once they establish nesting sites they may become extremely defensive.  If this occurs you may find that they are aggressive and acting to protect their nests.

Why take chances?  Pestrol Snake Repellers are extremely affordable and they can be easily installed quickly and without any special tools.  Simply place them in the ground at regular intervals around your home and they will deter any snakes from coming anywhere near your home or property.

With so many options available, it can be quite difficult choosing a good snake repeller for your home. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice:

  1. Don’t go for cheap. Cheap repellers are often made with cheaper components making them less efficient and more prone to fail.
  2.  Buy from a reputable supplier. Reputable sellers will often have solid products that come with a warranty.
  3. Buy one with an aluminium shaft. This ensures that vibrations coming from the device are better dispersed to the ground making the device more effective.
  4. Choose a repeller with a mute button. A lot of repellers produce audible sound, make sure the one you buy has an option to switch it off.
  5. Check for battery changeability. Ensure that the rechargeable batteries on the device are user swappable.

Remember, caution is key when dealing with snakes, but precautions will ensure you won’t have to.

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