Neem Cake Fertiliser is an excellent way to increase soil fertility. It is composed of macro and micronutrients which help to improve the water-holding capacity of the soil, while also providing a slow-release pattern of essential elements and compounds. It can also alkalise the soil by improving the longevity of nitrogen in the soil, which also improves overall soil structure.
The slow, uniform release of nutrients over time means crops and plants are fed continuously throughout their growing season. It also aids earthworm proliferation and health, improving the efficiency and growth rate of earthworms when added to vermicompost.
Advantages of having the neem oil contents :
As Neem Cake Fertiliser is composed of the solid plant matter left after the oil has been extracted, significant traces of neem oil remain in the neem cake fertiliser. This oil residue along with its micronutrients is what enriches the cake with much of its nutrients and pest-controlling factors. Its water-holding and soil-aerating abilities support an ideal soil texture and structure.
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